10 on the 10th

10 on the 10th

It’s Thursday! Only 6.5 more days of school and it’s summer! Thanks for the well wishes yesterday, I am feeling so much better!

Today I am linking up with my great friend, Erin, from Simple Purposeful Living for her 10 on the 10th link-up.

Our topic today is 10 things motherhood has taught us.

I am so blessed to be a mom and don’t take the job lightly! I always knew in my heart I wanted to be a mom and am thankful God gave me the desires of my heart.

Here are my ten things I’ve learned through motherhood:

1. God’s Love. Being a mom shows me a small glimpse of God’s love for me. When I had Elizabeth and Emily laid on my chest for the first time my heart was full of so much love. How awesome is it to think that God loved us so much He sent His son to die for us. It’s hard to fathom that, but I’m so thankful for God’s love in my life!

2. Motherhood is not a competition. For real. There is always going to be some mom prettier than you, more put together than you, more organized than you, etc. It’s not a competition and quit comparing yourself to others! I am the best mom for Elizabeth and Emily and no one can compare to that.

3. Never say never. I once said I’d never have a 2 year old with a pacifier. Guess what?!? Both of my girls had pacifiers when they were 2!

4. Give yourself grace. I realized when my girls were young that I am not perfect and will make mistakes. I will lose my patience after teaching all day and take it out on the girls. I will forget to send money for a field trip because I have a hundred thoughts going on in my head at once. I’ve learned that it’s okay to mess up, I just need to start fresh every day!

5. This too shall pass. There are definitely seasons of motherhood and I have learned to enjoy each season. When my girls were both under two and in diapers at the same time, I thought I’d never have a full night’s sleep again. But, I did. When the girls were toddlers and constantly into everything or bickering with each other, I thought we’d never have friends over or go out to eat like a normal family. But we do almost weekly now. Anyways, there are seasons of motherhood and I want to soak each season up. Right now my girls are so cool to hang out with. We play volleyball, I get to teach them stuff like cooking and cleaning, and watch them become young ladies. I’ve learned to enjoy each season.

6. Be goofy and laugh. I have learned as a mom to never take myself too seriously. Forget about the laundry or dishes every now and then and go play the Game of Life with your kids. Laugh together, dance together, sing together. Let them see you have fun and enjoy life! I have recently been making it a goal of mine to have 30 minutes of uninterrupted time where I play with the girls. We have been playing volleyball together and it’s so much fun!

7. Let them be true to themselves. Motherhood has taught me to let my kids figure out on their own what they like/dislike. When Emily was younger we wanted her to play softball in the summers because she’s a lefty and was good at playing catch. She didn’t want any part of it, though. I couldn’t believe Chris wasn’t going to make her do it! But it taught me that both of my girls will enjoy their own things in life and I need to accept that and encourage them in whatever it is they want to do.

8. Take a break! Motherhood is hard! I have learned to not feel guilty for taking a break away from the girls and enjoying something I want to do. I used to never want to leave the girls for fear I’d miss out on them doing something cool or something for the first time. It took them both out of diapers to realize I can leave them for a few hours and they will survive and I will come back refreshed as a mom!

9. Ask for help. Don’t try to do it all! I’m not sure why our society has a mentality that we as moms need to do everything by ourselves 24/7! I learned once the girls got involved in different activities that it truly does take a village to raise kids. Ask that girlfriend to pick them up for you from cheer or take them after school for you to piano lessons. Don’t try to be a superhero, ask for help!

10. Give discipline. Motherhood has taught me that if I don’t correct and discipline my girls, then who will? Sometimes disciplining the girls is hard for me to do, but I want to correct them at a young age and teach them how to act now, so hopefully when they are older and make their own choices, they remember what I taught them and make good choices!

I am so blessed to be Liz and Emily’s mom and am so thankful for them in my life!


12 thoughts on “10 on the 10th

  1. Such good advice and yes asking for help is key. There’s a reason there’s a saying that says “it takes a village”! I agree comparison is the thief of all joy! Thanks for linking up!

  2. I love looking at all of your pictures. You bring up so many great things! I love this post. Grace is so important. I also love how you brought up letting them be true to themselves…this is so powerful and so true. I love this post!

  3. What a sweet post with some great advice! (And I love your hair in the pic where the girls have the big/little sis shirts on.)

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