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COVID-19 (4th Update)

Happy Friday!

Yesterday, our governor in MO extended our stay at home order until May 3. They are sounding hopeful that after that date they are going to slowly start to open the economy back up!

I pray this is the case! I know so many small business owners being affected by this virus!

It has been about exactly a month that we were last in school.

Our schools are closed down for the rest of the year.

Stores are still out of a lot of items and limiting the amount of certain products that you buy.

Restaurants are still closed or only providing food curbside or through the drive-thru.

Churches are closed.

Stimulus checks came out this week from the government. $1200 for each adult and $500 for each kid. I hope people are smart with their money and support small businesses and not run to Wal-Mart and give them all of their money!

It is such a surreal time! I borrowed some of these pictures from a friend of mine of our town and I wanted to document them on here to always remember the “vibe” during this time.

And here are the totals for the U.S. as of today:

I hope you are continuing to stay safe and healthy wherever you are. Always try to find the positive in each day!

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