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World Diabetes Day

Today is World Diabetes Day and in our house this is a BIG deal.

The theme for this year is Family and Diabetes.

I can’t let today pass without talking about what Type One Diabetes means to our family.

If you don’t know, our oldest daughter, Elizabeth, was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes a week after she turned 11.

Read about it here. <We are almost at the 2 year mark of her living with diabetes>

My heart is heavy today.

Just heavy that this is our life now. This is a chronic illness and the longevity of it makes my heart hurt so bad for Elizabeth.

In our family we think about diabetes EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

It never stops. We never have a break.

When Liz was diagnosed, I was naive at how much this would change her life.

Sure, we put kid first, diabetes second and Liz has never let diabetes slow her down.

BUT, it still has changed her and us.

Diabetes to our family means constantly worrying about Liz’s sugar and wondering how she’s feeling.

It’s trying to decipher if her mood is from a high blood sugar or a normal teenage “mood”.

It’s about carrying a low snack and the glucagon everywhere we go.

It’s the constant alarms at night alerting you of a high or a low. (I’m SO thankful for this technology!!!!!)

It’s crazy budgeting skills to cover the $500-$600 expense every month.

It’s holding back tears when you give Liz a shot and she cries because it hurts her so much.

It’s the brave face you put on when Elizabeth goes to an overnight sleepover or school function or church trip, and acting like it’s no big deal and she will be fine!

It’s watching the innocence of childhood being taken away because Elizabeth is always thinking of her sugar and can’t eat or drink whatever she wants like other kids.

It’s watching Elizabeth have a low but still manage to pass her Science test with ease and have a <somewhat> smile on her face while doing it. (somewhat because well…..remember…almost teenager?!?!)

It’s making sure every classroom she goes to has a low supply of snacks just in case something happens.

See?!? Diabetes has changed us!

Diabetes has made us change a lot about our lifestyle and how to best take care of Elizabeth.

However, diabetes has also added in some GREAT things!

Diabetes has added some extra time with Elizabeth late at night when she’s up fighting a low.

It has added me seeing her at school during the day when she wants a juice out of my fridge when she is low.

Diabetes has made all 4 of us closer than ever and not taking a second for granted.

Diabetes has brought me and my sister to share an even closer bond. We both have type 1’s and are able to vent and share our diabetes stories with each other.

Diabetes has given Elizabeth an AMAZING support group and friends that love her fiercely. Almost all of her close friends have learned how to give her a shot and help her calculate her carbs at meal times.

On this World Diabetes Day, I have so many emotions.

Mad that is has changed our world.

Sad that it is never ending.

Proud of how well Liz handles her diabetes and doesn’t let it stop her.

Happy/thankful that there is insulin that helps manage this awful disease.


I know this post won’t make sense to most, but this is our daily life now.

Our Elizabeth Faith, nephew, Zach, and other T1D’s are true heroes. They deal with SO much and continue to face this awful disease head on every day.

Thanks for letting me share a little of my heart today! It’s hard to put into words exactly how I feel.  I hate diabetes, but am so thankful for Dr. Banting who made insulin to make this horrible disease manageable.

I hope you can wear your blue today in honor of my sweet Liz! If you have IG and want to tag me @jennifermbolin wearing your blue, I’d love to see it!

Have a great day! We have another ballgame tonight watching Elizabeth cheer and showing diabetes who is boss!

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