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Share Your…(February)

Good morning!  Happy Thursday!  This week is flying by for me.

Liz goes to her first semi-formal dance tonight at the middle school.  I am so excited to see all the kids dressed up.

Today it’s time for Jenna and I’s monthly Share Your link-up.  I am SO excited to read everyone’s posts!

Our topic this month is to share your loves.  If you love it, share it!

I have so many things I feel like I could write about.  I am a blessed lady and have an amazing circle.  My family is outstanding, my friends are amazing, and my co-workers are the bomb.  I truly feel that I am so blessed to do life with so many wonderful people!

Here are my “loves” that I want to give a shout out to today:

Jesus Christ, My Savior

Where would I be without my salvation?  I am so thankful for Jesus dying on that cross to save me from my sins and this world.  He is my Hope and brings me peace in so many areas of my life.

My parents

I was raised with loving, Christian parents.  I never doubted their love for me and I always knew they would be in my corner.  I lost my dad almost two years ago and miss him so much everyday,  He was my biggest fan in everything I did.  My mom continues to be my biggest fan and loves/supports us all!  The most important thing they taught me was that things of this world don’t matter, it’s my relationship with the Lord that matters the most.

My sister

My sister is my BFF.  She is only 14 months older than me and growing up was my constant best friend.  Some days we hated each other and fought over the bathroom, but I always knew she was there for me and would stick up for me.  Now, we are raising our families together and I’m so thankful for her in my life!  She’s gorgeous, insanely smart, and super talented with everything she does.

Christopher James

I bet if Chris reads this he thought he would be my first love.  I hope I didn’t disappoint him!  HA

There is so much I could say about Chris.  I met him when I was 15 years old.  He is my best friend.  He makes me laugh.  He is my instant calm and peace when I am stressed or overwhelmed.  He knows just when to help me out with the girls or housework.  We are a great team.  I will love him forever.

My In-Laws

When I married Chris, I got the best in-laws ever.  They go above and beyond with helping Chris and I with the girls and are always there for us in every area of our lives.

Elizabeth Faith

My oldest girl.  The one who made me momma.  She is a T1D warrior and so brave.  She will move mountains in her life and I can’t wait to watch it.  Liz is kind to everyone she meets.  She’s way more mature than her age but still loves to laugh and have a good time.  She’s a smart-aleck like her dad and this gets her in troubles sometimes.  She loves volleyball and cheer.

Emily Grace

My baby.  I look at her and wonder how she’s going to be 11 soon. She should still be my toddler that would never leave my side and constantly want to sit on my lap.  She will still cuddle with me today and she’s not too cool for me just yet.  She’s the life of the party and can easily make you laugh.  She is care-free and loves everybody.  She can sing beautifully and I pray she uses her voice for God every chance she gets.  She loves basketball, volleyball, and watching YouTube.

Happy Sunshine

Our Silkese, Happy, is my last love for today.  She is always there to greet me after a bad day.  She loves to lay on me when I have my brown blanket out and every night she has to sleep where she can feel me and gets as close as possible to me.

I’m so incredibly grateful for all the “loves” in my life.

I pray I show God’s love to others with how I live my life every day!

Hope your Thursday is great!

If you shared your loves, link-up with us below:

See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites.

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