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Thursday’s Three

Happy Thursday!

My prayers are with the state of Florida today as Hurricane Michael made its way inland.  They are saying it’s the strongest storm to hit the U.S. in 50 years!

Today I wanted to share three things about The Bolin Bunch!  I love doing these posts to look back on what the girls were into at that particular time in their life or what was going on!


  1. Right now, Emily is obsessed with playing the game 4 Square.  Have you ever heard of that game?  It is super fun!  We have even made lines for the squares down in our basement so we can all play as a family.
  2. 5th grade has been very challenging for Emily.  We have always taught Emily that she just needs to learn to “overcome” her dyslexia and learn new strategies to help her with her schoolwork.  However, lately we have been thinking we might need to look into getting her the extra help she needs to be successful.  I don’t want her to hate school!
  3. She just finished playing volleyball for our city league.  She did an AMAZING job!  Last year she couldn’t even get a serve over and this year she was serving 5-10 serves in a row every time.  She is also the best teammate and encourages others and that makes this momma super proud!


  1.  Liz is rocking middle school.  She loves the social part of it and switching classes every hour.  She is very organized with her schoolwork and takes everything very seriously!
  2. Her sugar has been CRAZZZYYYY the last few weeks.  We can’t seem to get her insulin ratios adjusted right.  But, she has been a complete rockstar through it all and keeps an upbeat, positive attitude about everything.
  3. She is almost done with her city league of volleyball and we are looking into possibly doing a club ball team this winter.  There aren’t many in our area, so we would have to travel, so I don’t know if we will make that big of a commitment or not.  I love that she loves the sport of volleyball!


  1. Deer hunting season is here and Chris has been talking all things deer!  He even woke me up the other morning at 2:00 to show me a picture of a huge deer that came up on his game camera!
  2. Since it is said deer season, he is letting his beard grow long again.  He does this every year.  It’s crazy the difference it makes with his looks, but I like it!
  3. Chris just got done coaching football and we are glad to have him home with us right after school.  He had a rough football season with kids getting hurt and upset parents about stupid stuff, so he was epecially glad to see it come to an end this year!  Sometimes parents make a coach’s job miserable!


  1. Between teaching, being a mom, taking care of the dogs, and finishing my Master’s Degree, I haven’t had a lot of “down” time lately.  Life is definitely full and busy.
  2. I haven’t been exercising or running like I did faithfully this summer and can feel a big difference!  I have to squeeze in time for myself because I feel so much better when I do!
  3. There has been so much sadness going on around me lately and I’ve been prioritizing what’s important in life and what’s not.  Life isn’t about all the fancy stuff you have~ it’s more about loving the people around you and living for God.  I need this reminder constantly and I don’t want to take one day for granted!  I am so blessed!

Well, that’s a little recap of The Bolin Bunch!

Thanks for following along with us! Hope you all have a great Thursday!


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