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How We Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!  We are almost through another week. I am actually home today from school with strep! Boo! I did take my first round of antibiotics this morning, so hopefully will start feeling better soon.

Today I am linking up with Shay and Erika for their How We Wednesday post.  It’s a fun link-up and I like to read everyone’s ideas on how they handle the topic.

This month’s topic is how we transition our wardrobes:

I’m am not a fashion person at all!  I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about my outfits because it isn’t important to me.  If that’s your thing, then awesome, but I am just not a very trendy person.  I hate shopping for clothes because I am SO hard to fit! #tallgirlproblems

Anyways, here is how I transition our wardrobes:

  1.  I make the girls try on everything from last season.  See what still fits them and what won’t work for them.  All of Liz’s clothes get put into Emily’s closet and become hers and all of Emily’s clothes she can’t wear anymore we donate to Teen Challenge’s thrift store or family friends.
  2. I wear a lot of layers!  The weather is crazy here in SE Missouri, so layers are important.  It might start off cool in the mornings, so I will wear a light jacket or cardigan, but then by the afternoon it’s 75 degrees and I don’t need that layer.

That’s all I’ve got for you! Told you, I’m not very savvy with my fashion!

Hope y’all have a great Wednesday!


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