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Friday Faves

Happy Friday! So glad to see the week come to an end. Bus duty and MAP testing should never be in the same week! HA

Linking up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci for Friday Favorites.


Emily got braces this week! She had to get an expander last week and this week braces. She loves them and has taken 3,452 selfies since getting them on! I think she looks pretty cute with them.


Liz got a great check up at the endocrinologist on Monday. Her A1C was 6.9%! She is amazing! They warned us that it might not always be that good, but we were proud she got it down from 11.6% at diagnosis. So thankful for insulin!


Chris’s mom got a good report at the doctor this week also. Her cancer hasn’t spread and is still contained in the abdomen. She goes back May 14th for a scope procedure to make sure she’s still eligible for the HIPEC surgery later in June.


MercyMe’s song, Grace Got You, is a favorite this week. I have been fascinated with Bart Millard and MercyMe ever since watching the movie I Can Only Imagine. This song speaks volumes to me right now and has a catchy beat! Listen to it here.


The girls finally got a trampoline at our house last week. It was up at Chris’s parents house and since we don’t make it up there as much lately they brought it down to our house for the girls to enjoy it. They have jumped every day after school for hours and love it!


I got my hair done this week! It was about time because the gray was really starting to show.


We ordered this doorbell for Elizabeth’s room. She has the transmitter part on her nightstand and Chris and I have the receiver in our room. If she ever needs us in the night, she can push her button and the doorbell goes off in our room to alert us that she needs us. It makes me feel better knowing she has this since she’s sleeping in the basement. I usually always hear her Dexcom alerts on my phone, but this is just another way of Liz notifying us in case she needs us in the middle of the night.


I got a new backpack purse and I love it! It’s the perfect size and just what I’ve been looking for. I saved my money because I’ve had my eyes on it for a while, and finally went and got it a few weeks ago. There is a funny story behind this purse that I won’t share on here, but will always remember.


Elizabeth had a newspaper article written about her this week in our town. It was about how she raised money for diabetes by selling slime! She has put a lot of work into raising money and has raised around $475 all by herself! I’m a proud mom. Read the full article here.

Hope y’all have a great weekend! Liz has her first diabetes walk we are attending in Springfield tomorrow! Can’t wait to meet fellow T1Ds.


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