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Weekend Recap

Happy Monday, friends! Only 4 days of school this week and then we are on Spring Break! Who-hooo!

I didn’t do too well with taking pictures this weekend, but we had a full weekend of fun!

Friday night Chris’s baseball game got rained out so he was home earlier than expected and I only had volleyball practice until 5:00, so we were all able to enjoy an evening at home together. We lived it up and cleaned the house and did laundry! Wild night, huh?!?

Saturday we had a volleyball tournament for Liz’s team at Malden. We made it to the championship game, but fell short and ended up losing our first game ever. The girls were really upset and didn’t know how to handle a loss, but they played great! I told them 2nd place out of 7 teams was still something to be proud of!

Again, not many pictures because I am the coach and can’t really take pics. LOL

Emily enjoyed snuggling one of Elizabeth’s teammates’ new little sister. So sweet!

Right after the volleyball tournament Liz and I headed to St. Louis for her cheer competition that was going to be on Sunday. Chris and Emily decided to stay back at Dexter.

When we made it to the city, we stopped for supper at Steak N’ Shake and then went shopping at Target. It was a great evening!

And if anyone is wondering what an all day volleyball tournament does to Elizabeth’s sugar, this is what our 24 hour report looked like. Poor girl! I know she didn’t feel the best but never complained!

Sunday morning we were able to sleep in a little bit and then get ready for our last cheer competition of the season!

One of the girls on Liz’s cheer team had to get rushed to the hospital with appendicitis and wasn’t able to make it to the competition. So the girls had to change a few things around backstage.

They were still able to hit everything beautifully and ended with 1st place!

Along with 1st place, our team received the Best Sportsmanship award! This makes me so proud! They can cheer well but also show kindness and encouragement to other teams!

We got a picture of all the girls in Elizabeth’s 5th grade class on the team with that award. They are such a great group of girls that always are each other’s biggest fans!

The best surprise of the day was that Chris and Emily decided to drive up to St. Louis and watch Elizabeth perform! She was SO excited to see her daddy! Chris is amazing and I’m so thankful for him!

Emily enjoyed it because a lot of her friends are on our Level 1 team and they were there.

After the awards ceremony we stopped at Marshall’s and then headed home.

We made it home just in time to get groceries for the week and do some laundry.

If you want to know what an all day volleyball tournament followed by an all day cheer competition does to Liz’s sugar, this is it. First time we’ve ever had the Dexcom give us an urgent low! She was 49 when she finger pricked. She did go up nicely after following the 15:15 rule and for that I am thankful! She is such a trooper and so brave!!!!

Leaving you with our #selfieSunday. I pray you have a blessed week!


Linking up with Johannah, Heather, and Lindsay for Hello, Monday.

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