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How We Wednesday

Happy Wednesday and Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you are able to spend it with those you love most.

Take a moment and remember all those that have lost loved ones, especially their spouse, this Valentine’s Day. I know my mom is having a hard time missing my dad and I hate the thought of anyone being lonely today.

Today, I am linking up with Shay and Erika for How We Wednesday. Today’s topic is how we take care of ourselves.

I don’t have any earth shattering advice, BUT, here is what I do to help take care of me.

1. Wake up early and have quiet time. I love to have time before everyone else in the house wakes up. This gives me quiet time and time to focus on the day. Reading the Bible and praying are my top priorities during this time.

2. Take a bath! I love taking baths and it helps me to relax after a stressful day.

3. Make time for girlfriends! The older I get, the more I realize you need good girlfriends to lean on. It doesn’t have to be many, but it’s so nice to be able to call some friends up to have a night away and forget about being mommy and wife. Laughter is good for the soul!

4. Splurge on something nice once in a while. Moms can agree that we are the last ones to buy ourselves something. I usually make sure the girls have everything they need or buy stuff for the house before I even think of myself. But one way that helps me take care of myself is to occasionally buy something for me. Buy that shirt I’ve been wanting, get my nails done, buy some new make-up, whatever the case might be.

5. The last and most important way I take care of myself is to give myself grace. I learned a long time ago I’m not perfect and will never do everything the right way. I am learning if I burn the taco shells for supper to just laugh and make grilled cheese as a back up. Or if the same load of laundry stays on the dining room table for a few days, that’s okay!

I hope all of you take time to take care of yourself! This year I’m also trying to take care of my physical body better by drinking lots of water and exercising every chance I get. We only have one life to live, so let’s live it well!

Have a great Valentine’s Day!


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