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A Day in the Life..

Happy Wednesday! Today Liz and I are headed to her one month check up at Children’s Hospital for her T1D. I am anxious to hear what they say about her numbers. Prayers are appreciated. Also, I pray for our neighboring state of Kentucky where there was a school shooting yesterday. So sad!

Today I am sharing what a day in my life looks like. I love these posts with other bloggers and schedule to do one for each season. The day I documented was this Monday. I’m horrible sometimes at remembering to take pictures and the pictures I do take sometimes are horrible! #newbloggerprob

My day starts at 6:00 or a few minutes after.

I immediately check Liz’s sugar on her Dexcom to make sure she is still at a good number while I get ready.

I shower and get hair/make-up done.

After that, I go into the kitchen and fix breakfast and pack the girls’ lunches for them. They usually lay out all their food they want the night before and in the morning I add their sandwich and/or cold stuff to their lunch box for them.

I have to write down and double check Liz’s carb count for her lunch every morning. She writes it down the night before, but since it was from a weekend, I do Mondays for her.

Girls are upstairs by now (7:00 a.m.) and are ready for breakfast. Both of my girls are amazing in the mornings! They get up on their own from their alarm clock and get dressed and come upstairs.

Liz instantly checks her sugar and calibrates her Dexcom.

Breakfast this morning was waffles and toast with chocolate milk.

After breakfast is cleaned up the girls go down and brush their teeth and I make sure the beds are all made and get dressed myself (it is jean week) and we are out the door by 7:30.

I drop the girls off and head to my school to prepare for the day.

I teach 8th grade math. I teach 1st-4th hours and then it is my lunch time. I snapped a few pictures as the kids were leaving my class or packing up at the end of my class. We are solving systems of linear equations by using the substitution method this week.

I go home for lunch and grab a quick bologna sandwich. I LOVE bologna.. and cheese puffs, can you tell?!!

I also switch out my laundry and start a load of towels.

I head back to school for my prep hour (5th hour). I don’t have any students during this time and get A LOT accomplished every day! This day I had a stack of papers to grade that I worked on and got over half of them graded.

That afternoon I teach 6th and 7th hours followed by a 20 minute study hall at the end of the day.

After school I had to stay and watch some of the girls that are trying out for volleyball next week run their mile. It was windy and cold!

My next stop was picking up a few groceries at Walmart since I didn’t make it over the weekend and then get gas.

I made it home around 4:45 and helped Emily Grace with her homework. It was reading homework and with her dyslexia it takes us a little longer than normal.

I made supper which was chicken nuggets and mac and cheese. Fancy, I know?!? We were on a time crunch.

Monday nights Emily has piano and voice lessons from 6:00-6:30. Liz has cheer from 6:15-8:15. Chris plays basketball with a bunch of friends, so it is super busy!

I dropped Emily off first and then dropped Elizabeth off and had enough time to stop by Sonic to get me a Cherry Limeade! I haven’t had a soda since January 1 and am doing amazing, but I needed something with some flavor so I went with a Cherry Limeade. It was SO good but then I realized it has Sprite in it and that’s a soda, so got mad at myself for drinking one. It’s still better than drinking a Dr. Pepper, though!

I picked Emily up from lessons and we headed back home.

We made it home in time to watch the end of Wheel of Fortune. We love watching Wheel of Fortune in our house! Makes me think of my dad.

Chris made it home and we all watched The Wall together. We enjoy watching that show to see if anyone can land on the million. The couple that night lost everything. I finished grading all my papers while watching TV.

I went and picked Liz up from cheer and took one of her friends home also.

Back at home the girls got ready for bed, Liz checked her sugar for the night and got her Lantus, Emily flipped and did gymnastics like she usually does, and then we worked on our new puzzle we started the other night.

After we put the girls to bed, I read my devotional and cleaned the house up and put away a load of laundry.

I was in bed and read a chapter of my book and then it was lights out by 10:00ish. We had had a rough night the night before with Elizabeth’s sugar so we were exhausted!

Hope you enjoyed a look into my day!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!


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