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Weekend Recap

Happy Monday and Happy Solar Eclipse Day!  I am a total nerd and have been looking forward to this day for a while!

Be thinking about all of us teachers today because I am sure the students are going to be a little crazy.

This weekend was a normal, yet wonderful weekend.  They always go by way too quickly!

Friday was our first home football game so the girls wore their jerseys to school.  Right after school we came home and rested, ate supper, and then headed to the game.  It was really crowded and super hot, but we ended up with a WIN so it was a great evening!  Baby girl did wonderful and enjoyed everything about it, especially the band at half-time!

Chris coaches middle school football, but on Friday nights he helps run a camera down on the field.  I let the girls stay up and wait for him to get home and tell him all about their day.  It was their first time seeing him since that morning.

Saturday morning Chris got up to head to Teen Challenge and I got in a lot of snuggles and cartoons with baby.  The big girls are used to waking up early now for school and they were both awake by 8:00 that morning.  Saturdays are normally grocery days and we didn’t have a lot left to eat in the house, so we went and got donuts for breakfast.  We LOVE Faye’s Donuts!

Saturday morning/afternoon I was able to clean my house from top to bottom.  It had been a few weeks since I was able to really deep-clean it, so I was thankful to get that done.  I also did all the laundry and made my grocery list.  Typical mom Saturday, right?!?!

Saturday night Elizabeth went to one of her BFF’s birthday swimming party and then the girls stayed the night.  She had a great time!  (Happy Birthday, Emma!)

Chris wanted to work on his food plots and scout out a new place for a stand he bought, so he stayed up at Cape for a while after work.  This is the deer he had on his trail camera this week, so it made him anxious for hunting even more!

Emily and I decided to head to Poplar Bluff and do a little shopping.  We went to about five different stores and baby girl did great the whole time.  She likes to holler really loudly when we go into public places like that~ it’s pretty funny.  Emily is also the queen in the dressing rooms and I love watching her model new clothes.

Saturday evening we came home and I was super lazy.  I have a horrible cold right now, so I had taken some medicine and just vegged out in front of the TV.

Sunday morning we picked Elizabeth up from her sleepover and then got ready for church.  After church, we headed straight to Doniphan to Nini’s house because she was making Sunday lunch for everyone.  I love Sunday lunches at Nini’s!  We had a great afternoon of visiting and being with family.

Sunday when we got home I graded ALL my papers from last week while the girls did some homework.  Emily had to study spelling words and Liz read her AR book.  Chris ended up going to Wal-Mart for me to get groceries because he knew I still wasn’t feeling the best and needed to get my grading done.  He is so thoughtful to help me out one things like that.

We ended our evening with playing outside, taking showers, cuddling on the couch, and all three girls were in bed by 8:00.

I hope you have a blessed week!  I am putting our #selfieSunday up with baby girl’s face blurred….It’s SO hard not posting any pictures of her!


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