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Blogger Recognition Award

Good morning!

I was so excited when Jenna from Tractors and Glam Blog and Britt from Home Sweet Hensley nominated me for the Blogger Recognition Award. Thank you girls!

As part of this award, we are asked to answer the question of why we blog, give two pieces of blogging advice, and  nominate 10 other bloggers.

Why I blog

I blog for a lot of different reasons.  However, the main thing that got me started blogging was because I wanted a place to look back on when my girls were older to remember all the great times we had together.  Sort of like an online scrapbook.  Since I’ve been blogging, I now realize it was what I needed to get my voice back!  Sometimes I can get caught up in being mommy, wife, teacher, daughter, etc., that I forget my identity.  Blogging allows me to be creative and express my opinions.  It is a great outlet for me and has been such a blessing!

Two Pieces of Blogging Advice

I feel inadequeate to share blogging advice since I am still so new in the blogging world.  However, these are the two things I feel will help make your blog successful.

  1.  Talk about what you love.  Blogging is very overwhelming and there are so many different blogs out there.  I didn’t want to start blogging because I thought I was just another blog and no one would want to read my blog.  Then I remembered why I wanted to blog in the first place and just went with it.  You will realize I blog mostly about my girls and our families.  I am not into fashion, so I don’t talk about fashion.  I love Dr. Pepper, so I talk about Dr. Pepper.  {Do you get the point?} Don’t try to be someone you aren’t.  Keep it honest and real and blog about what fits you best.
  2. Be consistent.  If you are going to blog, be consistent.  I personally like reading and following the blogs where they are consistent and post on a regular basis.  I lose interest in the blogs that won’t post anything for months at a time.  So if you are going to blog, commit to it fully if possible and try to blog at least 2 or 3 times a week.  It will keep readers more interested in your blog and coming back to read your posts.

My Favorite Blogs 

I would like to nominate the following 10 bloggers for the Blogger Recognition Award. These women have helped me, encouraged me, and been with me since the beginning.  It was so hard to pick just 10!  I love this blogging community and the friendships I have formed from it!

Jenna at Tractors and Glam Blog–  Jenna has quickly become one of my best friends.  She is such a kind lady that truly encourages me and lifts me up.  She is a fellow teacher and mom of two adorable kiddos.

Britt at Home Sweet Hensley– Britt is such a fun-loving gal!  I met her through a link-up and Instagram and so glad I did!  She leads a very busy life with three precious kiddos.  Her insta-stories are hilarious and she always makes me smile through her posts.

Tara at Mommy in a Nutshell– Tara is another blogger that I read every day.  She has two small boys that are close in age and so handsome!  Her posts reminds me of days when the girls were younger.  She definitely has her hands full and is such a great momma!

Whitney at The Perfectly Imperfect Mama– Whitney is a wonderful Christian mom with two beautiful kiddos.  She is open and real with life events.  She has a wonderful relationship with God and is not afraid to share her faith.  I admire her so much for that!

Erin at Perfectly Port– Erin spreads joy in every blog post she shares.  We recently got connected through a mutual blogger.  She is a mom of three young kids and shares wonderful Scriptures and devotions.  She also has great tips on how to keep a family running on a budget.

Jessica at Life. Love. Reality– Jessica has two girls that are close to the same age as mine. We share a love of swimming and watching Netflix!  She has recently become a Stitch Fix consultant and posts the best outfits!

Megan at Letting in the Light Blog– I found Megan’s blog through an adoption post I was following.  Her and her husband have already adopted a sweet little girl, Quinn, from China and are fixing to adopt another sweetie later this year.  I am so excited to follow their adoption journey and keep up with their family.

Beth at Reaching Beyond Mediocrity– Beth is another fellow teacher and an avid runner.  She is a very organized person and I love all of her posts about teaching and gardening.  She also posts wonderful recipes and makes me want to make one of everything!

Heather at My Glittery Heart– I met Heather when I was partnered with her on a Mom Summer Exchange.  We emailed back and forth and got to know each other very well.  Heather is creative and artsy and a great mom.  She also has her own Etsy shop and can make cute glitter designs for just about anything!

Johannah at The Sirois Family– Johannah is someone I recently found through a link-up.  Her and Heather host the weekend recap every Monday and it’s fun for me to join in.  Johannah works full-time and is a mom to two beautiful girls.

For those nominated, here are the rules for this award. Keep it going if you can!
  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Write a post to show your award.
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  5. Select 10 other bloggers for this award.
  6. Comment on each blog to let them know you nominated them and provide a link to the post you created.

Hope you all have a great Thursday!  Stop by any of these blogs and tell them I sent you!

As always, thanks for taking the time to read my blog.



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