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Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I’m linking up with Narci, Andrea, and Erika for my weekly Friday Favorites.

This has been a really hard week for me and I’m glad to see Friday here.  My heart is so heavy because I know of 4 students this week that lost a loved one, and two of the deaths were unexpectedly and at a young age.  I can’t help but think of how true the saying is that my home is in heaven, and I’m just traveling through this world.  James 4:14 says, ” How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog–it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.”  I pray all of you know where you are going to spend eternity, because that is your home~ FOREVER!  I also pray for these families while they are grieving the loss of their loved one.

Anyways, my heart has just been sad and hurting this week, so I am only going to share a couple things that have really stuck out as my favorites.


First, I am loving that our small town finally got a Dollar Tree!  Yesterday was the grand opening and my girls were SO excited to go!  We love shopping at the Dollar Tree and find great deals every time we go.  I like to shop for my classroom there and the girls love to spend their chore money.  Yesterday, their daddy gave them each $5 to spend and they were thrilled.  I have a feeling we will visit Dollar Tree quite a bit.




My second favorite thing this week is Reba’s new song, “Back to God”.  You can listen to it here.  It is so powerful and I can’t stop listening to it!

I pray that if you are hurting today that you will be comforted with only a peace that God can give.  Also, be kinder than necessary because you never know what someone is going through.

Have a great weekend!  Thanks for visiting my blog.




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